
  • Full day - £500
  • Half day - £250
  • Per hour - £75


I asked Ellen to help me organise my wardrobe, which was a big mess. Full of things I wasn't wearing anymore and pieces I hoped to get into again one day. Ellen helped me sort through all my clothes and I was left with a wardrobe where I could actually see my clothes, now sorted by colour and season and lots of new ideas of how to wear them. Most importantly we had a fun day and I now have lots of space for new purchases! Thank you!!
G, London

“I have known Ellen for many years and her taste, style and ability to ‘call it’ are unparalleled in my experience. Whether it’s a picnic at Henley, a big ball or just day-to-day clothes, Ellen remains my first port of call for affordable, sensible and elegant choices. She is a hugely talented shopper, finding the perfect pieces in places I never thought to look. I appreciate the fact that Ellen is always keen to spend my budget wisely, she is a ‘must have’ on any shopping expedition!
R, London

Ellen made me enjoy wearing clothes and ‘dressing up’ again. She helped me find lovely pieces that I would never have found without her and now, whenever I wear one of my new outfits, people compliment me …. and I feel great! She also kept within my (sometimes limited) budget.
M, Herefordshire

When I called Ellen to help me sort out my wardrobe I was quite apprehensive of the whole process. However, very quickly, we had a very easy and friendly rapport and the day flew by. She was firm but kind and we got through what I thought was an impossible task without any upset and lots of giggles. She found me many outfits within my own cupboards, which I had never thought of putting together myself. We now have a shopping list of what is missing in my wardrobe and I am looking forward to hitting the shops together!
L, London

I was given a voucher to have my wardrobe ‘de-toxed’ for my birthday, which I thought was a fabulous idea. I still can’t believe we actually got through my whole wardrobe, inclusive of shoes and handbags. Although it was an exhausting day I am thrilled with the result. I felt that Ellen was honest but kind and helped me sort through years of mess and rediscover several pieces I had long forgotten about. Loved my present!!!!
N, Hampshire

Ellen and I go shopping twice a year, which is the easiest and most effective way for me to update my wardrobe. As a working mother I have little time to spare for shopping and even less for browsing and finding out what is current. She knows my taste and understands what I need from my wardrobe. We wiz in and out of shops and by the end of our ‘session’ I am fully equipped for the season. I can call her when I have a special event and she will know exactly what is needed and often sends me photographs of pieces that might suit me. I have saved a vast amount of time and money since I found her!
T, London