Personal ShoppingNo time

A lot of people have no time to go shopping but need an extensive wardrobe for work. I believe that a huge amount can be achieved in a very concentrated 3-hour shopping slot. If you tell me exactly what it is that you need, I will go through the shops we want to visit and pre-select clothes for you to save time. You need to factor in 2 or 3 of these trips a year to have an up-to-date wardrobe. Realistically, it takes a few of these for me to know you well enough, to be able to properly shop for you and bring pieces to your house or office and making it a worthwile experience.

To get started, it is really useful to get your wardrobe sorted. It gets you focused and you know what you have and where the holes are. This can take a whole day but if you are prepared to be decisive and rigorous it can be done in half a day or an evening.